- To use our ONLYSKIN website, you must be certified an adult in Singapore.
- You have an available and valid email address.
- For all minors, you will require the authorization of your parents or legal guardian.
- You may be asked to fill out a form with required fills.
- You consent to providing the personal data submitted to us.
- You acknowledge that the personal data submitted is accurate and serves as proof of your identity.
- Accessing “My Accounts” in our ONLYSKIN website requires usage of personal codes such as email and password, the confidentiality of these information will be undertaken by you. ONLYSKIN limits the attempts to access “My Account” in the event of wrong information provided in order to prevent fraudulent activities.
- ONLYSKIN reserve the right to adjourn your access to the ONLYSKIN website in the event of non-compliance of the Terms of Use denoted.
- ONLYSKIN website may be subjected to maintenance, updating or other circumstances, in such event the website may not be accessible or interrupted.
ONLYSKIN website and all logos, marks, images, texts, videos are protected by intellectual property rights. We do not grant any usage of these materials for any usage except for the act of browsing the site for your personal and private use. All usage, reproduction or representation of any materials including commercial and non commercial usage is not authorized unless written consent by ONLYSKIN authorized personnel is provided in writing. Any authorization requested should be submitted to: onlyaestheticssg@gmail.com
- Please ensure that you have the necessitated hardware and / or software system for the usage of the World Wide Web / internet.
- Data transmission protection is not available for the World Wide Web / internet, hence ONLYSKIN is not liable in the event of any error, delays, faults including but not limited to viruses or any malicious software acts.
- We respect our customers and browsers of our website and do not tolerate the usage of our ONLYSKIN website for any form of racist, violent, malicious, obscene including but not limited to and / or illicit acts.
- All users of ONLYSKIN website agree not to distribute any non-authorized content, use our website for any promotional or advertising content not in direct relation to ONLYSKIN or its subsidiaries and affiliates materials or conduct any form of illegal activities including but not limited to infringing the rights of ONLYSKIN intellectual properties.
- Contents provided by ONLYSKIN may allow downloadable options, by downloading or using these contents, you are deemed to agree to comply with ONLYSKIN website Terms of Use conditions. All downloadable contents are regulated by ONLYSKIN intellectual properties rights and no reproduction, representation, modification or distribution of the downloadable content can be made without the written consent of ONLYSKIN authorized personnel. Any authorization requested should be submitted to: onlyaestheticssg@gmail.com
- Any on-line applications provided is for the usage of personal and private use only, reproduction, adaption or distribution is not allowed. Any content created or produced with the on-line application will fall under “User Generated Content”
- ONLYSKIN may provide a tool and / or application which enables users to edit images and / or virtually test out a skincare product. All usage of the tool and / or application is for personal or private use only and any modification or usage of tool and / or application for third parties is not allowed unless express consent is received from the third party. ONLYSKIN do not authorize any modification or reproduction for the tool and / or application without written consent of ONLYSKIN authorized personnel.
- ONLYSKIN website may provide a section specifically for User Generated content of text, photos including but not limited to and / or videos. Any submission made to ONLYSKIN of these User generated content signifies your consent in granting ONLYSKIN and it’s subsidiaries and / or affiliates a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive and worldwide license to use, copy, modify, adapt, edit, distribute, translate, create content from, incorporate into other content for all and any media or platforms in relation to ONLYSKIN. You consent t o ONLYSKIN using the User Generated content on both our website and third party websites such as social media platforms.
All social media platforms are regulated by Terms of Use conditions preset by the platforms, you consent that these Terms of Use are conclusive for ONLYSKIN to use the content. ONLYSKIN is not accountable for any use of the User Generated content used in accordance to the third party websites and / or social media platforms in terms of rights, duration of rights and the deletion of the User Generated content. - All responsibility for any third party claims will be undertaken by you. Any User Generated content posted on ONLYSKIN websites deem that you have undertaken the responsibility of attaining all necessary authorizations for any parties featured for usage on ONLYSKIN website and / or third party platforms and / or social media platforms. All responsibility should the User Generated content be subjected to “viral” distribution on third party websites and or social media platforms will be undertaken by you and ONLYSKIN is not liable for any actions.
- ONLYSKIN will remove any User Generated content that is illegal or falls within the parameters of content that contain racist, violent, malicious, obscene including but not limited to and / or illicit acts.
- ONLYSKIN aims to provide accurate and up to date information subject to transmission of data and information over the World Wide Web / Internet which may result in technical liabilities. ONLYSKIN do not guarantee the accuracy of all the data included on the website.
- Inaccuracies and omission may be subjected due to encroachment of third parties, please report any error or omission to: onlyaestheticssg@gmail.com
- The information on products, services, description and but not limited to advice provided on the ONLYSKIN website is a simple summarized portrayal and expert cosmetic advice is to be undertaken.
- The summarized description does not in any manner replace medical diagnosis, clinical consultation nor serves as a substitution for any form of medical treatment.
- ONLYSKIN is unable to guarantee complete satisfaction with regards to products, services and advice provided from the use of ONLYSKIN products and / or services and do not undertake any liability for any usage of product or services.
- For clarification or any additional information, please consult your personal medical practitioner, dermatologist or write to us: onlyaestheticssg@gmail.com
- Links to third party websites and / or social media platforms on our ONLYSKIN website will redirect you to sites that ONLYSKIN do not have any purview over. All liability to any content published by third party websites and / or social media platforms will be undertaken by you.
- ONLYSKIN website uses “Cookies” and recommend all users to set your browser to accept our ONLYSKIN cookies to ensure optimization of functionalities on our ONLYSKIN website.
- How you use our website
- Where you use our website from
- How you login to our website
- Which pages you browse through
- What content you view
- How long you spent on our website
- IP address
- Browser information
- Device usage
- Your first and last name
- Your phone number
- Your email address
- Your shipping address
- Your billing address
- Your enquiries
- Ensure our website is functioning to the expectations of our customers.
- Ensure content is displayed in the most optimized way.
- Create and remember your login information.
- Personalize your experience based on devices used.
- Make improvements on our websites based on browsers experience.
- Analyze our organic and search engine optimization efforts for website visits.
- Ensure our website is safe and secure for all our customers.
- Protect you against any fraudery or misuse of our website or services.
- Provide targeted advertising and communications for our customers.
- Establish a persona for all our customers and enable better marketing catered directly to needs and requirements.
- Enable user generated content by enabling you to share our content with friends and family.
- Provide answers to your queries.
We are happy to assist for any queries or concerns with regards to your personal data collection and / or removal of consent or disclosure. Please contact us via email or in writing:
Email: onlyaestheticssg@gmail.com
ONLY Group, 70 Shenton Way, Eon Shenton #20-10, Singapore 079118
To provide all our customers with the best experience, we constantly update our website content and information to better our user’s experiences. All changes will take effect upon posting on our ONLYSKIN website.
We will update the date of our Terms of Use upon any change effected for compliance to new legislations and / or regulations.
ONLYSKIN Website is hosted by:
Vodien Internet Solutions Pte Ltd
3 Irving Road
#09-01 Tai Seng Centre
Singapore 369522